
  • Task Overwhelm How To Overcome It
    Be Positive,  Workspace

    Here Are 6 Quick Cures For Task Overwhelm

    Task Overwhelm: What it is? Why it is? How one overcomes it? We all lead busy lives—fast-paced, unstoppable, full of worries. Most of us have little to no space for relaxation in our timetables. Especially in these trying times, when the pandemic has pretty much got everyone’s speed halted momentarily, people have a lot piling up for themselves. It happens more often than never that we do not feel like doing something or anything. We put off stuff for later; thinking will get to it later. The latter doesn’t come until really late, though. But hey, that project has got to be submitted. The deadline must be met at all…

  • Streamline-Procrastination
    Be Positive,  Self Care,  Workspace

    World Class Tools To Make The ‘Procrastination’ Urge Easy

    Streamline Your Procrastination “Procrastination is like a credit card. It is a lot of fun until you get the bill” ~Christopher Parker, English Actor Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing a particular task till towards the deadline when you absolutely have to do it. Needless to say, it heavily compromises on the quality of the outcome. But it is not uncommon. Almost every person procrastinates at some point. For some, however, procrastination can be an everyday problem. We get a task, put it off for later, enjoy that time with leisure and when we just have to do it, we are left with a not-so-good result of what…

  • an-authoritative-personality
    Be Positive,  Self Care,  Workspace

    Authoritative Personality: 5 Simple Steps To A Gravitas

    5 Simple Steps To An Authoritative Personality This article helps you build a authoritative personality that will forward your wish to have an awe-demanding self whenever you enter any room. Read ahead. Also, read The Truth About Law Of Attraction Have you at any point watched individuals who are the focus of fascination constantly? They have that wonderful quality because of which individuals get pulled into them. They enter the room and almost every head turns at their arrival. When they speak, people listen, intently. You cannot help but wonder, how do they do this? What is it in them that you just cannot help but listen to whatever they have…

  • eject-negative-thoughts
    Be Positive,  Self Care,  Workspace

    Eject Negative Thoughts: Here Are 5 Quick Cures

    Eject Negative Thoughts: 5 Brilliant Steps There is this one piece of advice we always got to hear ever since we were kids, “You’ve got to stay positive and not negative to conquer life”. But seldom did someone explain, “How”? No one explained it to me either and wherein I am still in the process of complete learning, I did learn one thing. That is one can’t do that positivity thingy with distorted thought patterns. This is because our thoughts condition our life. Therefore, if you seek to stay positive in life, your thoughts, that is the principal thing to adjust. Here are 5 simple tips to break free from…

  • law-of-attraction
    Be Positive,  Self Care,  Self Esteem,  Workspace

    Short Story: The Truth About Law Of Attraction

    The Truth About Law Of Attraction Everyone is lured in by the thought of Law Of Attraction for easy money, especially today. Personal debt is at an all-time high and personal savings haven’t been this low since the Great Depression. The Law of Attraction seems to promise wealth and abundance simply by thinking about it. Easy money right? Could the Law of Attraction be simply a myth? The truth is out there but it’s not what you think. Also read: How To Harness The Law Of Attraction If you have been to the bookstore lately or checked Amazon’s top seller list you will notice that there are several books that…

  • the-courage-to-say-yes
    Be Positive,  Self Care,  Workspace

    The Miracle Of The Courage To Say Yes

    The Miracle Of The Courage To Say Yes Welcome, yet again. If you read the title and click on the link, you are already halfway there and you already have the courage to try and say yes to life, to yourself! Congratulations will be in order, so continue ahead with this short read. Why Is It A ‘Miracle’ To Say Yes? In a culture full of reasons to say “no”, it takes a lot of courage to find a way to say “yes.” After all, we have been taught to say “no” from a very young age. For most of us, our first word is “No,” and it quickly became our…